FMCSA just released visor cards to help officers and drivers that can’t figure out ELDs

There is apparently so much confusion about the proper use of Electronic Logging Device (ELD) technology out there in the trucking and law enforcement community that federal authorities were forced to put together a graphic instructional guide.
The new visor card released by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association (FMCSA) offers troubleshooting tips for both truckers and safety officers who need to navigate through a complicated web of technological devices to share a driver’s electronic log information.
Some helpful tips include that “if all else fails” during your attempt to share your electronic data with a safety officer, just print out your logs on paper or show your device’s screen to the officer.
Having trouble viewing the visor card? Click here.
The FMCSA says that this guide is meant to be printed out and kept under the visor of the truck in case any data transfer trouble should arise. The agency also warns that the graphic chart is not intended to replace proper training on the use of ELDs.
Since the ELD Mandate went into effect in December of 2017 and into full enforcement in April of 2018, there have been number of other problems reported within the trucking industry with the “electronic” aspect of Electronic Logging Devices. These problems include confusion about whether a device is an ELD or an older automatic onboard recording device (AOBRD) along with problems with vendors who struggle to supply devices that comply with the hastily enacted federal ELD regulations.