13 of the hardest things that truck drivers have had to overcome

Most members of the public have no idea what kind of day to day challenges truck drivers face as they transport the goods necessary to keep America moving.
The average person will never know the anxiety that blind-side backing can induce, the mind-numbing boredom of waiting at a loading dock, or how raw your nerves can be after coming downhill a mountain.
But other truckers know.
A group of truckers recently gathered on the free CDLLife app to share the toughest things that they’ve overcome in their driving careers.
Here’s what some of the drivers had to say.
- Malcom B.: “New York traffic.”
- Edward B.: “Being away from my family and missing watching my son grow up.”
- Robert F.: “Mine is small towns USA with old roads tight turns and road blocks to yours drop. no GPS but Google map at this point. Sucks not having money for a Rand McNally GPS.”
- UonleLive1: “The waiting game… Still not over it… I want to be moving not sitting”
- JD G.: “Working the mudslide in Montecito. That town is not truck friendly”
- David W.: “Trying to find my way around New York and New Jersey the first week I started driving before cell phones and Google maps or GPS units.”
- Quallan P.: “learning with this job you will have no life”
- Rickey D.: “Well being from the Deep South my biggest fear was snow and ice!! But once I faced it I remembered my training and overcame my fears!!!It still and will always have my RESPECT!!”
- Alroy K.: “Beating cancer Getting re-qualify for my DOT physical”
- Alexandru C.: “Truck drivers don’t respect each other whatever they are. Nobody Cares (There is always : ME ME ME 1st) like there is No tomorrow. I am Not complaining but just going my Job and be Safe so I can Go Home”
- Michael Y.: “Backing is not the hardest thing to overcome. Shippers, receivers and dispatchers…piece of cake. Keeping a balanced home life. That would be the biggest challenge.”
- Brandon L.: “Driving in the mountains and backing up”
- Cameron A.: “Having to deal with these dumba$$ 4 wheelers. Who I seriously question how they got their license”
If you want to throw in your two cents on the biggest challenges in trucking, you still can! Click here to download the CDLLife app for free and join the conversation.