Choosing a way of the car transportation

Normally we are facing the necessity of cars’ transportation not so often. It can be caused by moving to another state or long business trip. Therefore, we mostly are not very familiar with this industry and need to be careful when looking for an appropriate car transportation company.
Type of quotes
Depending on the particular situations you might need to apply for different types of quotes.
- Basic. This is the most common type and considers a delivery of a standard car from one point to another. Normally this is the price shown on a transportation company’s website. It’s not too expensive in comparison with other quotes, but you need to be informed that cars transportation services in this case are not guaranteed in time. In other words, you may wait for the delivery for a week or a month, depending on the company’s orders.
- Expedited. The difference in price with the basic quote is not that essential, but the delivery time is. It still doesn’t guarantee that the car will be delivered in a few days but significantly raises the chances to be the first among the other clients. This type of quote is the most popular among the clients.
- Rush. This option is unavoidable for those who are in a hurry and need to arrange transportation of a car as soon as possible. Basically, the difference between the basic and rush quotes is just around 200 USD, but considering that your car will be shipped almost immediately, it's definitely worth it. Of course, still the car cannot be transported on its own, but being the first on the queue is definitely raising your chance for the fast car’s delivery.
Besides the quotes’ difference, there are some additional factors influencing the final price of the transportation cars.
What else has the impact?
- There are quite a lot of factors affecting the final price. Among the most common we can name:Distance. Basically, the longer the distance, the most expensive is the transportation. On the other side many companies provide discounts for a big trip to attract more valuable customers;
- Car’s type. Heavier and longer cars will cost you more than standard ones. The normal length nowadays is considered to be at 189 inches. If less you may even get an additional discount as the transportation company can afford to fill the truck with bigger, and more expensive vehicles. As soon as your car reach 200-inch length, you will definitely need to pay extra;
- Ground clearance. Considering that the transportation company is in charge of a safe delivery, it takes into consideration all the risks. In this regard a low ground clearance can strongly affect the secure transportation, especially in regards to the open variation. Less than 5-inch ground clearance is already considered to be dangerous;
- Car’s condition. Surprisingly, but while arranging a vehicle’s transportation you need to prove that the car is able to move on its own. Otherwise, it will cost you additional 150-200 USD;
- Method of transportation. This is the most essential part of the price. The point is that an enclosed way of transportation may add up to 60 % to the basic price. This method, meanwhile, is highly recommended for rare or expensive cars as well as for a long-distance trip. In other cases, open transportation can save you a significant sum.
There are still a lot of details. For example, if the destination point is very far from the big cities. Or the transportation is expected to be held in summer – the busiest and, therefore, most expensive time of the year.
There are a huge number of factors which need to be taken into consideration when choosing the way to deliver your vehicle to another destination. You just need to be careful in regards to the company and the way of transportation.