Auto transport company not broker

There are two main players in the car’s transportation industry. And if you are planning to arrange a delivery of your vehicle from one state to another, you should distinguish an auto transport carrier company not broker and the middleman. Despite the fact that both of them are doing pretty the same business and your car will be delivered from point A to point B anyway, there are some significant details you need to be aware of in advance to avoid any misunderstanding or unnecessary costs.
Who are brokers?
Imagine, you need to purchase a new house. Or a flat. There are a great variety of offers across in the city or the near area and, therefore, a lot of sellers. Of course, you can always spend some time making a personal appointment with each of them to get a better understanding of all the advantages and disadvantages of the deal. If you can apply for the service of the real estate agent who will check for you all the offers and will find one or a couple of them that fit your requirements and the budget.
Approximately the same we can see in the transportation industry. Brokers are doing the job of such real estate agents; therefore, they are making your life easier. But for some fee. Traditionally, in the United States the transportation brokers are getting the fee starting from 50 dollars and ending at 300 dollars, in case of the most expensive and rare cars even more. And this fee is included in the price you are paying for the car’s transportation.
Of course, if you don’t have a lot of time and need to arrange the delivery as soon as possible, you can afford to spend some additional sum of money to the company which will arrange everything for you. But far not every car’s owner is ready to deal with the third-party. And that is why.
Who are auto transport carriers not brokers?
If you want to make a deal directly with the transporter of your car, you should look for auto transport companies not brokers. They have their own fleet of trucks to use for the cars’ transportation across the country, provide the insurance for the delivery and do all the logistics arrangements. Therefore, there is only one part you need to deal with, therefore, there will never be any misunderstanding. Moreover, the whole process of communication will be much faster as with an auto transport company and not a broker you will have an immediate reply from the carrier.
If everything is easy, why are people using brokers and why can we actually see the raising of the transportation middlemen on the market?
Firstly, it can be not so easy to find an appropriate direct carrier, especially if you do not have any recommendations from friends or relatives. The reason for this is that the overwhelming majority of the auto transporters, not brokers, have quite a long history and a great base of regular customers. That is why they don’t spend too much effort, time and, what is even more essential, money to be visible in the ordinary Google search. Additionally, some carriers are just not authorized to work in specific states.
Even if you find such an auto transport compainy not broker in the Internet, it may take up to a few days (or even more) to compare all the advantages and disadvantages, conditions and policies between them to make sure you are getting the best deal. Not every car’s owner can afford it, that is why in some cases brokers are not that a bad idea.
One more essential benefit of dealing directly with the performer of the service is that in case of any problems (like delay, damage or even an accident) you will know exactly with whom you should discuss it. If there is a third party involved, it can be challenging to figure out who is really responsible and have the obligations – the real performer or the broker who arranged the deal.
What concerns the most essential disadvantage when we are talking about the direct carriers is their limited offers. You cannot expect a particular transportation company will have a possibility to deliver your car, let’s say, from Florida to California unless it has some other orders for this particular route. And it may take some time while it will happen. That is why you can spend slightly more time for the research unless finally find an appropriate carrier for the immediate transportation service.
Examples of the best auto transport carrier not brokers
Of course, every transporter has advantages and disadvantages. And even if you will think that found a perfect one, with a full variety of services, across-the-country routes and personalized approach, most probably the price of this delivery of the car will be much higher than average on the market.
Nevertheless, there are some auto transport carriers not brokers that indeed have more benefits than competitors. Here we will consider the most common and popular examples, but it’s always up to you to make your own research, especially if they are not available in your particular district.
Door to Door Auto Transport is an excellent example of the great delivery service provided by the auto transport carrier not broker. According to the name, the main sphere of the business here is a direct transportation of the car to and from the agreed locations. This type of the delivery is the most convenient and safest for the clients and their cars, and the insurance coverage is applicable for the whole trip. To compare, if you are choosing a less expensive terminal-to-terminal delivery, you will not only need to arrange the car’s transportation to and from such terminals (or ports) in advance, but also to take care about the insurance on the way, especially if we are talking about pretty long distances.
National Express Auto Transport is one more option, and one of the distinguishing features of this carrier is a much faster delivery time in comparison with competitors. Traditionally, you can expect your vehicle to be delivered across the country within 8-14 days, but here for some additional fee you will get your car delivered in a much shorter period of time.
Kwik Trans is working across all the 50 states of the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. You will also get a very permanent quote which means the final price you will need to pay will be the same as was agreed at the beginning (unless there are some significant changes in routes and other details). Plus, active-duty personnel can apply for the 50 dollars discount which is never unwanted.
Before making a final choice, you need to pay a special attention to the following details:
- The company’s experience and reviews. The first one will show you if the transporter is reliable enough and can cope with any difficulties and extra requirements from your side while the reviews of the recent customers will show you the main advantages and disadvantages in the service. There is nothing more trustworthy than feedback from people like you;
- Legality of the transportation service. The websites of the US Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Federal Maritime Commission and of some other official governmental representatives will provide you with the most important information if regards to each particular transportation carrier’s reputation and certification.