Cheap car shipping companies

If you check the quotas’ offers from different transportation companies in the USA, you will see that they can significantly vary from each other regardless of the same circumstances and requirements. To make you avoid unnecessary time wasting for searching for the car shipping companies with cheap prices, we have made some investigation and gathered a couple of them together.
Getting cheap shipping rates for cars easily
Ship Car Direct. This company is famous, first of all, for its high protection of the clients. Despite the fact that it’s a transportation broker, you will get much more than with competitors. One of the most illustrative examples is damage-free guarantee. With this option you will not only get offers from cheap car shipping companies from the list of the Ship Car Direct carriers, but also can be assured that in case of any damage the carrier will reject to cover, you can apply for the deduction from the broker side. Of course, the sum of this guarantee cannot be comparable to the traditional insurance coverage so in any case you will need to make sure the insurance is included into your quota.
Another significant advantage of this transportation company is its website. There you will easily find answers on any questions you have in the appropriate FAQ chapter as well as will have an opportunity for direct contact with the representatives online.
- AutoStar. It can be considered as the possibility of shipping a car with the cheapest rates possible. You can compare its rates with any other transportation company and most probably will always get a negative result. It provides both an open and an enclosed transportation service as well as so popular door-to-door delivery. The destinations covered by this company are also pretty broad and most probably you will find an opportunity to use the service wherever you are located in the United States. But of course, such cheap shipping car companies should have disadvantages as well, and here we are talking about its technologies. First of all, unfortunately you will not have an opportunity to check online where your car is as there is no tracking system implemented. Secondly, the official website does not provide the customers with instant online quotes so the whole process can be slightly longer than usually. Finally, if you will be interested in some additional or extra insurance, you will need to apply for it through the third-party insurance company. If you are ready to deal with such cons, AutoStar can become a great chance to cut the final bill up to a couple of hundreds of dollars.
- Nexus. Among the cheapest car shipping companies, Nexus distinguishes with its price’s transparency. You as a customer will get full information and details about each particular dollar included into the final invoice. Instant quotes and online tracking will allow you to be sure that your car will be delivered in a timely manner for an adequate price. This is a broker, but not a typical one. Traditionally, transportation brokers choose the offer for you, and here you can see a lot of results which is a very useful tool if you are interested in some additional options or particular range of carriers. Therefore, if you want to be sure that everything will go smoothly and are interested in getting all the information about your deal, Nexus is the best choice.
- KVB Auto Transport. Despite the fact that it’s quite a small company, you will easily get what you want. It’s truly professionals who know how to make things easier and more effective. As a result, you will get a much lower price within the industry and a great customer service and support. The only detail in this regard is a narrow destinations range which is obvious considering the size of the transportation company. But if the locations fit, you can expect the most exclusive and customer-oriented service possible. Normally, people are trying to avoid such small companies, but this case is definitely an exception, especially considering a great number of clients (some of which are repetitive).
Of course, cheap is not always good, and you as a car’s owner need to be careful when taking orientation only on the prices. These companies have a great rating and a lot of positive reviews from various customers across the country (the average rating here is 3,5-4 of 5 which is pretty fair and adequate for the cheapest options). But the most expensive carriers also not always can provide you with the basic comfort before, during and after service. That is why you always need to consider the overall picture of the price and quality you are getting for this price.