FMCSA issues reminder for truckers using AOBRDs

The Department of Transportation is warning drivers using a grandfathered Hours of Service recording device that they are running out of time to make the switch to an approved ELD.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is reminding truck drivers who are using Automatic OnBoard Recording Devices (AOBRD) that the have only a few months left to make the switch over to an approved Electronic Logging Device (ELD).
The FMCSA said via a June 18 Facebook post that “By DECEMBER 16, 2019, all motor carriers presently using an Automatic OnBoard Recording Device, must switch over to an Electronic Logging Device registered with FMCSA. See the list of ELDs self-certified by the manufacturer at: the device you are considering is NOT on the list, it’s NOT an ELD.”
When ELD enforcement went into effect on December 18, 2017, the FMCSA allowed motor carriers who were already using AOBRDs to continue to do so for the next two years.
The chart below from the Indiana State Police quickly outlines the differences between ELDs and AOBRDs.