Making a car transportation state-to-state easier

Regardless of the reason why you are interested in state-to-state car shipping, you can make the whole process much faster and easier when knowing some basis. Obviously, people are facing this necessity not regularly and most of us don’t know the particular details and sequences of the steps to be done. Here we will disclose the most common way to arrange a car shipping from state to state.
One by one
Overall, the whole process of the arrangements you need to make for a car’s transport state-to-state can be described in the following way:
- Getting a quota. Nowadays almost every transportation company has its own website where you can find a quota’s calculator. The only thing you need to do is to fill some easy form in regards to your car technical characteristics and the route requested and to type your email address. Pretty soon you will get information about the approximate price for your car’s transportation from state to state;
- Online request. If you are pretty satisfied with the quota provided you may fill an electronic form to apply for the vehicle transport from state to state. Despite most people choose online version, there is also an opportunity to make a call and to figure out all the details you are interested in;
- Depending on the particular company you have chosen you will be or provided with an appropriate carrier, or the company itself will deal with the shipping cars from state to state;
- Planning the delivery. On this stage you will be able to agree on the particular delivery day and time if applicable and also discuss such important details as the way of transportation (door-to-door or terminal-to-terminal), the type of the truck (open or enclosed), the necessity of the expedited service and many others. The contract nowadays can be easily sent via email so you will not need to go to the transportation company’s office;
- Wait for the driver to pick up and drop off your vehicle at the agreed destinations.
Advantages in comparison with driving by yourself
For some people it may sound unusual to apply for the service of shipping cars state-to-state while you are able to do it on your own. Indeed, there is such an option, but with a professional transportation company you will get additional benefits:
- Less stress. You don’t need to think about the best routes, to find an accommodation in case of a couple of days trip and to plan your working schedule to get a free time for doing this;
- Better condition of your car. When driving for a long distance across the whole country you will not only put extra miles on your car but also have a risk of getting problems with the engine and other important components. Placing your vehicle on or inside the transportation truck will keep to preserve it from variety of possible damages on the way;
- Freedom. Arranging to ship cars from state to state with the professional carrier you may be more flexible in regards to your own moving. For example, if the necessity of the car’s delivery is caused by moving to a new house, here you will be able to fully concentrate on packing and sending your personal belongings and easier reach the final destination by plane or train.
There are a couple of the preparation steps you need to follow to be ready for the car’s shipping. Firstly, you need to take out all the personal belongings and everything that can add additional weight to the vehicle as the carriers strictly check the vehicle’s parameters. The car must be clean, which will help to pay attention to any scratches it already has. It’s always recommended to make detailed pictures of the car before and after the delivery which will help you to avoid any troubles with the insurance. Different transportation companies may require additional documentation from your side (like insurance, proof of ownership and others) which must be discussed in advance. Finally, it’s a common practice to keep only a quarter of the fuel.
This is just basic information, but every carrier may have its own requirements and regulations. That is why you need to carefully go through all the details in the contract and not to be afraid or confused to ask the questions.