Best ecommerce software for shipping

Nowadays modern technologies make it impossible to follow only traditional ways of making business. And it’s applicable almost to every sphere of our life, including auto transportation. If you are interested in details or willing to start your own transportation company, it definitely will be a great tool to have an idea about the most popular and efficient software for shipping.
Here we will disclose this topic in the easiest way so even people who are far away from the IT industry will understand the basis.
Main distinguishing features
If you have never dealt with auto shipping software (or in any other related sphere), it can be slightly difficult at the beginning to understand and evaluate the difference between different types of the programs. Here are the main five you normally need to pay attention to:
- Pricing. Despite the fact the price itself doesn’t affect the operation of the programs, for most people it’s a truly significant element. Depending on the size of your business and the everyday tasks you need to solve, in some cases you may need a fully developed and all-inclusive shipping software for eCommerce, and sometimes just the basic model will be enough for you. That is why before purchasing, you need to look into your transportation business not only from the current situation, but also in perspective. The only more expensive solution in this case is to buy or update your software on a regular basis as soon as your business grows. For those, who cannot afford the most expensive auto shipping rates software but are deeply interested in it, many sellers provide a special program with tiered monthly payment. Of course, the total sum will be slightly higher that if you could pay all together, but at least it’s a great opportunity and a chance for smaller companies with lower capital;
- Functionality. This feature is directly connected with the previous one – pricing, as the price typically depends on how many tasks and at what speed the software can execute at the same time. In some cases, you may not need a very difficult and sophisticated software shipping management but on the other hand will need a software with some specific and rare functions for your particular business model. In this case, if you are not sure which exact model fits you more, you can always discuss it with the professionals. Just explain to them your main requirements – and they will easily and professionally find the solution.
- Integration. Computer technologies are pretty difficult, especially if we are considering their communication with each other. Before buying a particular shipping software eCommerce, you need to make sure it will work well with the main platform – the basis of your business. Despite the fact that most of the software is pretty universal, you need to double check it through the description or just with the sales representative;
- Customer support. First days and even weeks it might be quite difficult to understand all the processes, and some mistakes and misunderstanding on this stage is almost inevitable. 24/7 online customer support can become a great opportunity for you to learn in the fastest and the most efficient way;
- Reporting system – is one of the foundation stones of any software system for the business, especially in regard to the transportation company. You need to be able to check all the processes happening and be able to smoothly make some corrections if you need. Analytical processes are also very important, and having a software that makes it for you will make your overall experience much more effective.
Top eCommerce shipping software
When talking about shipping software, first of all we consider sophisticated programs for running a business in the most efficient and successful way. And this means eCommerce. Here we combined the most efficient software with great reviews of the customers for the recent years:
- ShippingEasy is a very user-friendly solution and is oriented first of all, for the small or medium transportation companies. Intuitive dashboard and a great customer service will allow you to implement the system in the shortest period of time. With the only exceptions of some bugs that may occur, you can enjoy the usage for pretty long time and for a very fair price;
- Shippo. As you can guess from the name, Shippo is a pretty basic shipping software for an excellent price. There is even discounted insurance. It’s one of the best solutions for small businesses as will provide you only with the most important and essential reporting and analytical tools;
- Sellbrite. If you are looking for the inventory management software, it’s exactly what you need. It should be mentioned that, in comparison with other examples in the list, this particular program is not used only or predominantly by shipping and transportation companies, but its features are fitting very well for these spheres;
- ShipStation. That is how you can easily get access and connection to more than 150 carriers and marketplaces. It’s a wonderful tool for cross-selling;
- Freightview. This is one of the most effective analytical tools which will provide you with possibility to check and control different deals, the contract rates, the schedule and many other aspects of your daily business;
- Ordoro. If you are using trucks for the transportation purposes (and many of the transportation companies do so), this platform will allow you to arrange it in the most efficient way. You even don’t need to install it as, in comparison with standard software, you don’t need to install it. Ordoro is an online platform, and with a very easy-to-use interface. Here you can check and plan drop-shipping and perform an excellent inventory management for your convenience;
- MetaPack. It’s a more sophisticated software, usually used by complex companies. It helps to integrate hundreds of transportation companies across the country, therefore, it’s a great and pretty easy (in this context) opportunity to enter new markets.
Every day you can find more and more new software appearing on the scene. But it’s always better to give preferences to the most reliable solutions of the trustworthy producers. Otherwise, your software can become more useless than helpful.