Cheapest way to transport car interstate

Reading time: 6 min
Tips for super cheap car transport to another state

We all are interested in getting the best and the cheapest deal possible, whatever we are talking about. And this is specifically applicable in case of the original high expenses, like in the transportation industry.

If we consider the particular reasons why we might need to apply for the transportation service for the car is all relocation or purchasing a car from a remote dealer’s office. As we can see, the process already involves a big sum of money, so it’s not surprising that most cars’ owners prefer to find the cheapest way to transport car interstate.

The main factors of the cheap car transport price

  1. Consider as many options as possible. Of course, we all are pretty limited in time and may not have a possibility to go through various websites and check the quotes. For this case you can easily use the benefits of one of the brokers or even marketplaces (like uShip) where you will find offers from different carriers and transporters across the country. Of course, in this case the price can be slightly higher than the original one because of the service fee of the broker itself. To be sure you are getting the cheapest price, you can check the official website of the carrier you are interested in.
  2. Use discounts. You will be surprised how many different discounts are provided by the carriers to attract more potential customers. Of course, the discount itself cannot immediately make the offer the cheapest way for transport car, but at least you will get some additional bonuses which are always valuable. The main groups for the discounts are military, students, early birds and even those who are applying for the service for the first time. That is one more reason to check various options from various transportation companies.
  3. As soon as you search for “cheap car transport near me”, you will get a quote for open transportation, and it’s much less expensive than an enclosed one. You should not be afraid of using this option as the professional carriers will still provide your car with care and safety. The only disadvantage of this method is that your car will be delivered covered by dust and some dirt, but you will save up to 60 percent of the price in comparison with the enclosed transportation. Meaning, if we are talking about the cheapest way to transport a car to another state (and not about how to deliver it in the most secure way), you should consider open transportation.
  4. In some cases, it can be quite difficult and challenging to find a cheap door-to-door car transport, especially if the original and final destinations are located in remote areas. For this purpose, many transportation companies are happy to provide the customers with another, cheaper version – terminal-to-terminal or port-to-port (depending on the specific spots). Of course, this means you will need to arrange to delivery of your vehicle to and from the terminals, but if you need to save some extra money (and sometimes time, as it may take a while for the carrier to find some other clients in your particular rural area) this is a great chance to do so.
  5. Seasonality is a term not everybody applies to the transportation industry. But if you are indeed willing to transport car interstate in the cheapest way, you should take it into account. Obviously, most people prefer to move or to arrange some long holidays in summer time. Following the main rule of economics, a high demand leads to higher prices. And the difference can be so essential that for the same route in winter you will pay up to 300 dollars less just because it’s a low season. There are even more ways for the cheap transport car to another state depending on the direction. Thus, before winter the demand for the moving to the southern states is rising while the same is going on in regards to the northern direction in spring. The reason for that is that many people are willing to spend the coldest part of the year in warmer places, especially if they have the second house of relatives there. You need to take into consideration all of these aspects, or just to discuss the better options with the carrier’s representatives.
  6. The conditions of your car are also important. And if you are planning to visit a repair workshop, you should better do it before the transportation service. Most cheap car transporter trailers are dealing with fully operable cars. Of course, issues with the rearview mirror or some small parts of the car are not that essential, but you need to make sure that the brakes, rolls and steering wheel are working well. Otherwise, it will not only cost you more (as the transporter will need to use some additional specific equipment to load and unload your vehicle on/from the truck) but it can be even difficult to find a transportation company which will agree to deliver such a car.

Choosing a company

Factors that Determine Car Shipping Costs

Super cheap car transport reviews you can find in regards to a number of the American transportation companies. Here we will provide just a couple of them as the prices for the particular deal can vary.

Easy Auto Ship is basically one of the lowest-prices companies in the industry. Beside that, you will get a pretty quick delivery and a great customer service. It should be underlined that customer support is one of the most important features in regards to the car’s delivery and you should not just follow the cheapest rate but also to consider the feedback of the recent customers which you can easily find online. The reason for such great offers Easy Auto Ship provides is because it’s still pretty new on the market and is trying to attract more regular clients.

Bargain Auto Transport is a broker with an extremely wide network of the carriers and transporters across the country, of different sizes and variety of services. Here you can name your price and the broker will do its best to find an appropriate transporter for you.

If you are not willing to deal with a third party, you can play as your own broker using an uShip platform. There you will see the whole picture of various offers and can choose relying not only on the particular price but on the conditions of the deal overall. Thus, you can choose a better insurance coverage, additional features and even expedited delivery service. The only disadvantage in this case is that you may need to spend slightly more time on the investigations.

There is no one universal way to make the car’s transportation delivery across the country as cheap as possible. But knowing and using all these tips will help you to make everything possible to reach it. And flexibility in this case (especially in regards to the pick-up date and the delivery estimated waiting time) can be considered as one of the biggest advantages from your side. 

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