Auto shipping worldwide

Worldwide auto shipping is not a case we are dealing with on a regular basis. With the exception of the military families which can change the location more often. And usually when people face this necessity, they can be slightly scared or at least confused not knowing the transportation companies which are dealing with this process as well as some important details. And even the potential price can be something illusory.
Here we will disclose some basic information you might need and also in regards to the auto parts free shipping worldwide.
Shipping a car
Nowadays there are pretty a lot of transportation companies dealing with worldwide shipping of auto. And if you are interested in this type of service, you should have a basic understanding of the pricing policy.
There is not a standard rate as the final quota fully depends on the range of factors:
Original location and destination. Here we should underline that some carriers, especially the ones that work with overseas delivery, require your car to be at the port and to be delivered again to the port. So, in some cases you need to arrange the delivery of the vehicle to and from the ports, taking into consideration that for storing your car the company will take some additional charges.
On the other hand, those foreigners who have already bought the motor vehicle online via eBay can prove that there are some American transportation companies making the whole process as easy as possible. They are picking the car up from the dealer’s office in any state of the USA, deliver it by truck to the port and also arrange the transportation in the country of the destination. Of course, such an exclusive service will cost you more, but at least you can be less stressed while waiting;
- Parameters of the car. Here we are talking about its weight, length and height depending on which the carrier will place your car in the appropriate container or an open place. It should be mentioned that there are some limits and restrictions which in some cases makes it impossible to deliver your car together with some personal belongings making an additional weight. But in most cases, you can arrange everything with the carrier, just for some additional sum. For example, you can order your own container with your car and all the belongings inside which is especially a common option for those who are moving to another country;
- Type of the transportation. The same as the traditional auto transportation, worldwide shipping includes several types of the delivery you can choose from. The first and the cheapest one is a so-called RoRo (stays for Roll-on/Roll-off) when your car is driven onto the deck. It’s applicable only for the operable vehicles, so you will need to make sure there are no serious breakages and enough fuel. Regardless of the attractive cost of this method, most car’s owners prefer slightly more expensive but also safer and more efficient transportation in the container both shared with other cars (up to 4) or separate. The container can be used even for inoperable vehicles as they are being placed there with some specific equipment. The solo container is a great option if you are limited in time or have some specific destination – that is how you will get a more personalized and therefore faster and more effective service. Finally, for more luxurious and expensive cars (sports or classic ones) the owners can choose much more expensive Air Freight service which will guarantee the most tailored delivery possible;
- Urgency. Talking about the overseas transportation you should expect to wait. And sometimes the estimated waiting time can be up to a few months, especially if your final destination is remote from the port. There is always a possibility to make it happen faster, but for the express delivery you should expect to pay at least a double price.
Shipping a part
You as a consumer can be interested in arranging cheap auto parts’ worldwide shipping, especially if we are talking about long distances. In some cases, you can find even free auto parts shipping worldwide, but normally it means you are purchasing more expensive details from the beginning or in case of a huge seller such as Amazon.
The first advice in this regard is to try to find the necessary detail in the USA. Nowadays there are a lot of companies selling new and used parts for all the brands of the cars from all over the world. Sometimes it’s also possible to replace the original detail with some cheaper alternative which you should better discuss with the specialist.
But in some cases, especially if you have a very rare and valuable car, it’s necessary to arrange auto parts worldwide shipping. Basically, you can use the same transportation company that is dealing with the whole car’s transportation or to apply for the specific service. Here are some of the examples when you can find an appropriate service’s offer:, eBay, Amazon, Advance Auto Parts, Rock Auto and some others. They provide adequate prices, a great variety of the auto parts as well as an attractive delivery policy. Of course, to get a fully complimentary delivery you need to meet some requirements, but the price of the shipping itself is not that high and depends on the locations, distance and the weight of the parcel.
As an advice, you can also try to find another car’s owner from your state at least to make the delivery cheaper for both of you.